- 대표자명
- junya ishigami
- 사업장 주소
- JP 東京都 港区 東京都港区六本木3-18-12 ゲッツビル地下1F 106
junya.ishigami+associates is an international architecture firm based in Tokyo, Japan. Established by Junya Ishigami in 2004, the firm gained international recognition following the completion of the Kanagawa Institute of Technology’s KAIT Workshop in 2007, which was awarded the Architectural Institute of Japan Prize in 2009. Similar success followed with exhibitions at Venice Architecture Biennales, the latter of which being awarded the Golden Lion for Best Project of the 12th Biennale in 2010. The office has continued to enjoy growing foreign attention for the wide range of design possibilities we explore, from numerous exhibitions and installation projects, such as 'Ballon' and 'Table', to large scale construction commissions: current projects include a university multi-purpose plaza and a garden café in Japan, the redevelopment of the Russian Polytechnic Museum in Moscow, and the Park Groot Vijversburg Project in the Netherlands. Regardless of scale, each project is approached from a limitless and open-ended creative perspective to deliver a unique and inspiring outcome.
공고일 | 설계비 (전체) |
연면적 | 진행상태 | 공고일 | 참가등록 시작일 |
참가등록 마감일 |
참가등록 방식 |
작품접수 시작일 |
작품접수 마감일 |
작품접수 방식 |
심사일 | 심사과정 공개방식 |
입상작 발표일 |
지역 | 공모유형 | 카테고리 | 연면적 | 대지면적 | 용적률 | 공사비 (전체) |
공사비 (면적당) |
설계비 (전체) |
설계비 (면적당) |
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